Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Notables - How are You Peeling?

This week's Friday Notable, How are You Peeling?, is an amazing book created by sculptor Saxton Freymann and author Joost Elffers. The text itself follows a fairly standard script about different kinds of emotions, but what sets this book apart is the amazing and beautiful pictures of fruit and veggie sculptures created by Freymann. Each piece of food is given a face filled with emotion and character and then set in front of a bold, single color background. The result is a very clear and attention grabbing depiction of the physical expressions that accompany emotions. Once you have read the book a few times and your child is familiar with the pictures and text, try sitting in front a mirror with the book and see if you can both mimic the faces in the pages. If your child is very curious about the art itself, there is a brief note in the beginning of the book describing Freymann's work. I suggest reading that with your child as well and then going into your kitchen to see if you can find any funny shaped fruit to sculpt into something amazing. Especially for toddlers who are just learning how to label their emotions this is a fun and yet clear way to begin introducing the language of emotions. Enjoy!

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