Once again, every Monday I have been breaking down Barbara Hacker's 101 Ways To Help a Montessori Child into more manageable and meaningful chunks. This week, I have added my own comments in italics and parentheses. Enjoy!
61. Help children maintain a calendar, becoming familiar with days and months, or counting down to special events. Talk about it regularly.
62. Get a pet and guide your child to take responsibility for its care. [If you live in an apartment or a family member has allergies, consider getting a fish. Plants are also a great option for teaching care of others - just be sure to check out a plants toxicity before purchasing it]
63. Refrain from replacing everything that gets broken. Help children to learn the value of money, and, the consequences of actions.
64. Take a nighttime walk -- listen to sounds, observe the moon, smell the air.
65. Take a rain walk. Wear coats and boots to be protected, but then fully enjoy the rain.
66. Allow your Primary - aged child to use his/her whole body and mind for active doing. Save computers for the Elementary years and later when they become a useful tool of the conscious mind.
67. If you must travel without your child, leave notes behind for him/her to open each day you are gone.
68. Expose your child to all sorts of music.
69. Talk about art, visit statue gardens, and make short visits to museums and look at a couple of pictures. Make it meaningful and enjoyable. Don't overdue.
70. Help them learn to sort: the laundry, silverware, etc.
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