Summer weather is well on its way this year and all the flying and crawling creatures are out in full swing. Many children are fascinated by bumblebees, but may not yet understand their importance in the growth of plants and flowers and the possible danger of being stung. I highly recommend checking out some books in the library - if there are no toddler bumblebee books look in the nonfiction children's section and just be extra careful so there are no torn pages. Once you have poured over the pages of your book, try this craft. There may be more dots than stripes on the bumble bee in the end, but it is more about the process and experience of creating for younger toddlers than the finished result. Enjoy!
What you'll need:
black and yellow paint
wax paper
egg carton
Cut out 2 adjoining indentions in the egg carton holder and let your child paint them with yellow paint. Set aside the cartons to dry and trace your child's feet with wax paper and cut out the tracings. Have your child color the remaining pieces of wax paper with black or brown crayons. Once the yellow paint has dried, show your child how to paint stripes on the egg cartons with the black paint. You can then cut out two small, long rectangles out of the leftover colored wax paper and have your child help roll them into small cylinders for the antenna. Once everything is dry, glue the feet in the middle for wings, the 2 cylinders on the head as antenna, and draw two eyes on the front of the carton.
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