Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Midweek Creations - Ice Cube Painting

Summer crafts and activities are here. This is a fun, new way for your little toddler to experience painting and comes chalk full of opportunities to learn about solids and liquids, the sensation of cold, and color mixing. Try not to prompt too many conversations during the activity as it is initially a very engrossing experience. Instead, let their remarks and questions lead the learning moments in true Montessori fashion. There are lots of variations you can add to this activity as far as colors and "paint" options. I recommend using kool-aid or jello packets to make the colored ice as they will be safe if your child tries to eat their ice cube. I also like using paper dixie cups to make the ice cubes because they are easier for your child to manipulate if you want to have them help mix multiple colored ice cubes for water. Enjoy!
What you'll need:
paper dixie cups (or ice cube tray)
small pitcher of water
one or two different colored kool-aid packets (primary colors are best for the toddlers if you want to focus on color mixing)
small meatloaf pan
white construction paper cut in half
Have your child fill several dixie cups half full with water. Pour a small amount of kool-aid into each cup and stir until dissolved. Put the cups in the freezer until they are solid (usually about 3-4 hours). When you are ready to paint, take one of the paper halves and put it in the bottom of the meatloaf pan. Take one of the frozen dixie cups and unpeel the paper from the newly formed ice cube. Place it in the middle of meatloaf pan and show your child how to tilt the pan so that the ice will slide and paint the paper as it melts. Switch or add a different colored ice cube after some time. Once your child is finished, let their new artwork dry and have them help wash the meatloaf pan.

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